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The San Francisco Police Department Chief of Police declared that all SFPD stations are officially LGBT safe zones.  The department has a total of 10 stations located in areas throughout the city.   Signage will be posted in each window to ensure that members of the LGBT community know they can expect to receive courteous, respectful and compassionate interactions when they come in to report crime.

A community spokesperson said they approached the SFPD earlier this year with concerns after a transgender person was attacked after leaving a bar.  The department's declaration that all stations are to be considered safe zones underscores their commitment to treating all crime victims with the dignity and respect they deserve.

Chief Greg Suhr said that the SFPD is a "department for everybody".   He also acknowledges there have been previous trust issues between citizens and the department.  Suhr said they want to make sure that people know that times have changed.  The new force is progressive and accepting, he said, they do not judge or discriminate.

The gay community said they are happy to know that victims will not be re-victimized when they report crime.   Suhr is reportedly hopeful the change will encourage people to report hate crimes.  This will allow the department to better track these instances along with other safety concerns.