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A 24 year-old San Francisco man who was arrested last month for a naked appearance at the 16th street BART station has been rearrested on unrelated charges.

Defendant Yeiner Perez first found himself of SFPD radar after unknown persons at the station captured his shenanigans on video.  The video shows a very nude Perez performing acrobatic feats on fare gates. Passengers said they saw him doing flips and handstands.   They also said he began to harass those in the area after the performance came to a close.


SFPD records indicate the suspect was arrested and taken to the Bryant Street Jail.  Perez was reportedly evaluated by a psychiatrist and was eventually released.  No charges were ever filed.

The most recent arrest took place last weekend.  The defendant is said to be facing charges including four felony counts of battery, two counts of false imprisonment and an additional count of sexual battery.  Additional details surrounding the circumstance of the arrest have not yet been released.

Jail officials have said that Perez, a native Colombian, has been taken into custody by Immigrations Customs Enforcement (ICE).  ICE officials have said they may move forward with deportation proceedings.   Bail for the defendant has been set at $100,000 however ICE has instated a no-bail hold.  Should that hold be lifted, Perez would need to pay $10,000, or 10% to a bondsman in order to arrange SFPD bail bonds.