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Two men who are alleged to be tied to a long list of armed robberies have been captured and detained by members of the San Francisco Police Department.

Authorities say the arrests came to play after an officer was involved in a shooting incident on March 5. A San Francisco Police Department spokesperson said that call began when they received a tip that a suspect was seen in a vehicle that had previously been reported as carjacked.   Attempts to stop the driver were unsuccessful.

Police say the suspect purposefully drove his vehicle into a pair of squad cars after they cornered him at the end of the street.  He reportedly did this in an effort to escape.   The driver then motioned as if he was about to get out of the car and surrender, but instead flipped it into reverse and stepped on the gas.  One officer was struck.  Two others opened fire.  Defendant Eddie Tillman was hit at least once and sustained non life-threatening injuries.  He was cuffed and transported to the Bryant Street Jail to be booked and processed.

SFPD investigators believed the car and the driver may have been tied to a string of recent armed robberies.  Upon further investigation they realized their suspicions were correct.  A second suspect, Travell Council, was arrested a short time later.  An unnamed minor has also been detained due to his alleged participation in the crimes.

Both adult suspects have been charged on suspicion of attempted robbery, child endangerment, receiving stolen property and carjacking.  Tillman is also facing an additional count of resisting arrest.  Bail information was not immediately available but it is believed to have been set in excess of $100,000 each.

Jail officials have confirmed they remain in custody.  It does not appear as if either defendant has reached out to a local bondsman for assistance in arranging a bond.  Both are due back in court on Apr. 9.  The matter is ongoing.