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Recent investigation shows much improvement within the Orange County Jail system

It wasn't all that long ago that the county's detention facilities came under fire, after it was learned that deputy-on-inmate violence had become prevalent and that inmate access to medical care was abysmal.

Today, however, all of that seems to have changed.

A recent inspection by the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division found the Orange County jails have improved quite a bit in the past few years, so much so that they don't think continued federal oversight is necessary.

Granted, the recommendation will still need to get a final stamp of approval, but it seems to be move in the right direction.

One inspector said he saw so much improvement he had a hard time believing it was the same department, let alone the same jail.

Investigation was launched when previous OC Sheriff was sentenced to prison

At the time the investigation was launched, deputies were found to be sleeping on the job, watching TV while on shift and were utilizing inmates to help keep others in line.

Today, all of that has changed.

The most recent change, according to sources within the OC Sheriff's Department, is that  jails have started to maintain inmate medical records electronically.  This allows doctors to have the ability to see the history of each inmates medical care while they are in custody.

They can also reportedly see the type of care if they served a previous sentence, as well.