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At 888bailbond.com we often write about Unusual Laws.

Nearly every time, we remind folks that yup, this is a law because someone did it and lawmakers had to protect the public.

So, when we wrote about Unusual Animal Laws, we did not even think to include "It is illegal to keep hundreds of pythons stacked in your Orange County home."

Maybe if we had, we wouldn't be writing about this...

Hoarding pythons will get you arrested

A Santa Ana schoolteacher was taken into custody last week after authorities found he'd been keeping hundreds, literally hundreds of python snakes both dead and alive in plastic containers at his home.

The stench had become overwhelming, according to neighbors, and investigators needed to wear respirator masks so they could enter the residence.

One officer said it was so bad that he feels like he'll need to shower for a full week just to get it off him.

The reptiles were everywhere, according to reports, and it's believed as many as 400 snakes were being kept in areas throughout the home.   Defendant William Buchman told authorities he had the reptiles as part of a snake-breeding business

Neighbors say he started to get weird last year

Not only did he stop socializing, they said,  he started to gain lots of weight.

They say the smell has been around for about 5 months; some said it was so bad they thought a dead body was in the house.

Buchman was charged with neglect in the care of animals and was booked into the Santa Ana Jail.  He was released last week on his own recognizance; the case is still pending.