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A spokesperson for the Newport Beach Police Department has confirmed they have acquired two new police vehicles- but they're not what you'd think.

They didn't buy motorcycles or squad cars- but instead, set their sights on two electric bikes.

Electric bikes are becoming all the rage in Southern California since the devices, which can travel up to 25 miles per hour, need little maintenance and can travel quite a distance.

Those riding them have the option of pedaling on their own- pedaling with a small bit of assistance or cranking the handlebar throttle and letting the bike operate on its own.

Officers say the battery helps officers to ride the bike for an entire shift without needing to worry about getting tired.   They see it as just another tool that can help them keep streets safe.

The devices are reportedly better able to maneuver through crowds and gridlock traffic.   This means officers can better respond to distress calls when the roads are backed up.

Although a standard electric bike runs between $2,000 and $3,000, the Newport Beach PD said they shelled out about $4,000 a piece after upgrading the devices to add additional features.

They feel the money was very well spent, and that officers will be better able to patrol the beach community without would-be-criminals automatically spotting a patrol car.