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OCSD Deputies Get Call From Escort Who Got Stiffed, Say Man Torched Wife's Clothes After Getting Burned

The Orange County Sheriff's Department has had a few busy days on their hands.

First, they say a Rancho Santa Margarita man had taken a rather interesting approach to dealing with a marital spat.

The couple apparently got into a heated argument last weekend after enjoying a few too many adult beverages, and after the husband decided to smoke some pot.

Booze reportedly fueled arguments rarely end well, and this one is believed to have landed the man in jail.

It all started after the pair got into it over reasons still unknown.  Instead of leaving the room and slamming a door behind him, he decided to add fuel to the proverbial fire.

At some point in the night he walked into their closet, grabbed an armful of her clothes, and a lighter, and set the pile ablaze.

Orange County Sheriff's Department officials reportedly said they received a call about the domestic disturbance just before midnight.

Additional information as to what happened when they arrived has not been made public, although it's believed the man was taken into custody and charged on multiple accounts, including domestic battery and lighting a bonfire without a permit.

If he was carted away in handcuffs he would have been booked into the Orange County Jail and is likely to have been assigned a bail amount in excess of $25,000.

The couple has not issued further comment, although it's believed they'll now handle heated disputes in a more appropriate manner.

And just when you think things couldn't get more strange, deputies also said they responded to a call after an escort contacted them about getting stiffed.

It all started when the unnamed woman accompanied a willing John back to his hotel room.  After services were rendered, he decided he was unwilling to pay.

Once the call was placed, it seems she had a change of heart.  Her and her driver high-tailed it out of there before the OCSD was able to arrive.

But this isn't the first time a criminal called the police after they got shafted in an unlawful deal.  In August of last year a 19 year-old drug dealer called the cops after his stock of weed  and a pile of drug money was stolen.

Suffice to say that didn't exactly work like he planned.