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Each hear, thousands of dogs throughout the country are abandoned by their owners.

Those with sweet temperaments are frequently adopted.

At the same time, not all owners train their pets to have appropriate manners.

A spokesperson for the Orange County jails said they have partnered with a local nonprofit and together, they are working with shelters to help train abandoned dogs.

The results seem to speak for themselves.   The inmates spend about eight weeks with their furry friends and teach them basic commands like sit, speak, shake and roll over.  It's a win for the dogs, because this makes them more adoptable.

It's also a win for the jails, who say the program teaches inmates things such as patience, empathy and responsibility.

The Orange County Sheriff's Department has reportedly said they are so pleased with the program that they are looking for ways to expand it in the upcoming year.  At the current time, dogs are only being trained by male inmates.  The OCSD said they are considering the incorporation of female detainees as well.

At the end of the day, the inmate trainers understand they could be helping to save the lives of the animals they work with.  Teaching some of these older dogs new tricks, they say, may help prevent them from being euthanized.