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A squabble between a couple over a famous Hollywood star has landed a local man in the Santa Monica Jail.

During the middle part of last month, Santa Monica Police Department officers were called to a local hospital to interview an assault victim.  When they arrived, the woman said she had been sitting beneath the 10 freeway with her boyfriend, smoking and drinking.

She was flipping through a magazine at the time, and at some point, she came across a photo of Sean Penn.  The woman mentioned to her boyfriend that she'd met the actor a few months prior and that he'd given her some beer.

This angered the boyfriend, according to officers, who quickly became enraged. The woman said he then started to attack her.  It wasn't until the suspect fell asleep that she left and sought medical attention.

Santa Monica PD officials later arrested 40 year-old Matthew Dunakin and booked him at the jail on battery charges.  His bail bonds were set at $50,000.

Read the full story here: Crime Watch: Fighting over Sean Penn