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Long Beach Police Chief Jim McDonnell picks up another key endorsement

Former LAPD Chief William Bratton has announced he's supporting Long Beach Police Chief Jim McDonnell in the race for LA County Sheriff.

McDonnell worked alongside him during his tenure at the department, he said, and he feels his skills, knowledge of the county and decades of experience will serve the department well.

He also believes McDonnell is the right candidate to help turn the department around.

The LBPD Chief announced his bid for the seat in mid-January, shortly after now-retired LASD Sheriff  Lee Baca announced his early retirement.

Baca left the LASD amid scandal and controversy involving allegations of inmate abuse and deputy misconduct at the county's main jail.

The primary election is reportedly scheduled to take place on June 3.

Meanwhile, back at the department...

Prosecutors in the deputy misconduct case have announced they filed charges against two additional LASD deputies, which raises the tally count of charged department members to 21.

Court documents allege the pair assaulted an inmate at the Men's Central Jail in 2009.  That inmate, they said, was in handcuffs at the time the alleged incident took place.

The victim claims he was pepper sprayed, punched and kicked multiple times.

The assault was reported to a jail chaplain within 24-hours of the attack taking place.  Although a formal incident report was filed, investigators found the deputies did not use excessive force.

The newly charged deputies are reportedly facing charges of falsifying reports and violating the inmate's civil rights.