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Ever know anyone who has told you that they're just high, not drunk? It's ok because they drive better....

This New Years Eve the Los Angeles Police Department will be armed with more than just a breathalyzer...

A new high-tech swab test is allowing members of the LAPD to detect drivers who are driving drugged.

The department said submitting to the test is completely voluntary, and could be the best alternative to DUI blood tests.

Officers say the text can be completed in a matter of minutes and is being touted as a simpler, more effective and easier way to determine whether someone is driving while impaired.

A spokesperson for the LAPD said they've been using it quietly for the past twelve months, and to date, just a handful of people have consented to it.

Sacramento, Bakersfield and Fullerton Police are using it too.  The test is already used in a handful of other states, they said.

Law enforcement said the results have not yet been presented as evidence in court as each of those who agreed to take the test "plead out" before the matter was brought to trial.

The LAPD reportedly said they hope the new method will help them better detect impaired drivers- especially as the New Years Eve holiday approaches.  Drivers who have been taking drugs should also be warned- the swab can detect trace amounts of designer and street drugs in your saliva for days.

The swab can detect methamphetamine and ecstasy for up to three days, marijuana and cocaine for up to one day and alcohol for up to 12 hours.

Officers say they look forward to bringing intoxicated drivers to justice.