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The Pasadena Police Department Chief of Police said he feels the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department is the most qualified agency to investigate officer-involved shootings (OIS), and that he intends to pass that baton effective immediately.

Not only will this help increase transparency, he said, it will also help ward off the idea that the fox is watching over the proverbial hen house.

LASD currently handling OIS cases from three dozen other police departments

What's more, he said, is the sheriff's department does not charge a fee for this service.  And the sheriff's department said they're simply there handle the criminal investigation portion of OIS cases.

Although some community members support the move, others aren't so excited.  They feel it's not a truly independent audit of the situation, since the buck is being passed from one law enforcement agency to another.

Those people feel the matters would be best handled by a civilian oversight board and are disappointed community members weren't consulted before the decision was made.

Others say it's hard to trust the LASD to handle these types of investigations due to recent allegations of corruption that have been sweeping through their ranks.

Elected officials, however, say the decision is a move in the right step.  Members of the city council and the Mayor feel it's a pathway to greater transparency.

A local professor reportedly agreed with that sentiment, saying turning the matters over to the LASD can help avoid the creation of a conflict of interest-type situation.