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When most people think about a dog bite they imagine a human with a bloody shin.


In most cases that's about right - but the San Jose Police Department said that's not how things worked out earlier this week.

Representatives from the department said a suspect was hospitalized after fighting with, and eventually biting, a department K9.

Although the unnamed man remains hospitalized, he is expected to be transported to the Martinez Detention Facility in the near future.

He is expected to be booked on charges relating to vandalism, injuring a police dog and brandishing a weapon.

Officers said the incident took place on Monday evening.

It was during that time that SJPD dispatchers received a call about a family disturbance in a neighborhood close to the San Jose City College.

When squad cars arrived at the scene they found a 30-something year old man who appeared to be under the influence of a controlled substance.

He was wielding a knife and for some reason, decided to charge one of the officers.   A second officer was able to position his police car so he was able to serve as a barrier between the suspect and his colleague.

The suspect became increasingly enraged, stabbed a tire and began to punch out the car's windows.

Officers realized they were dealing with a highly unstable individual and called for backup.   Sheriff's deputies and additional police back up arrived quickly.

The man then decided to turn his hostility inward, and stabbed himself in the chest at least three times.

A police dog was unleashed to take him down.  Instead of cowering from the K9, the man fought back.  He bit, choked and punched the dog before officers were able to get handcuffs on him.

One officer reportedly sustained minor injuries.  The K9, Ski, suffered minor scrapes to his elbows and paws.  He is expected to return to work in the very near future.

The SJPD said the incident attracted quite a few onlookers.  They are asking anyone who might have photos or video of the scuffle to please provide that to the department.