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An Oklahoma man is reportedly in custody today after police arrested him for the death of his stepfather by pulling his underwear up and out of the back side of his pants and stretching it over his head, a move otherwise known as an 'atomic wedgie'.

Authorities said that 58 year-old Denver St. Clair died a short time later of asphyxiation and trauma to the head.

The incident initially started out as an argument; Brad Davis had invited his stepfather over for drinks but at some point the two got into a disagreement.  One thing quickly led to another and the shouting match then turned to blows.

St. Clair reportedly sustained a strike to the head and was knocked unconscious.  That, according to local police, is when Davis administered the atomic wedgie.

The coroner's report found the cause of death was a combination of asphyxiation and blunt force trauma to the head.  The death has been ruled as a homicide and Davis is expected to be arraigned later this week.

The local sheriff said he'd never seen anything like it.

Investigators are still trying to determine whether the killing was premeditated.  A source close to the case say they have a text message that Davis sent to a friend earlier in the night indicating he wanted to hurt his stepfather.