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Defendant is just one bad apple in a landscape of honest company owners

Although most bail bondsmen conduct business on the up and up, you'll occasionally hear a story about someone who goes rogue.

This is one of those stories.

A 33 year-old Alabama bondsman has been booked on attempted murder charges after allegedly a client because he didn't go to court.

McGiboney called a 21 year-old client last week saying he needed to come to his office.  His company was going to be on the hook for paying the man's bail forfeiture, he said, because the defendant never bothered to show up at court.

The client showed up as requested, police said, but had a gut feeling that something bad was about to happen. He was told he simply needed to sign some paperwork, but something about that didn't quite add up.

How not to handle a bail skip

When he entered the building the bondsman locked him inside, and pulled out a handgun.

A brief scuffle ensued, and the client was pushed through a glass door.  That, according to police, is when the man made a run for it.

Police records say McGiboney then pulled out his gun and shot the man in the back.

Officers and medical personnel arrived on the scene and transported him to a local hospital.  The bondsman was arrested and charged with attempted murder.

McGiboney has since been released on $60,000 bail bonds.  Hospital staff say the victim's condition is listed as stable.