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Ever since LASD Sheriff Lee Baca announced he would not be seeking reelection, would-be candidates have been crawling out of the woodwork.

Long Beach Police Chief Jim McDonnell has announced he too will be running for the seat, citing a long list of "heavyweight" endorsements.   Not only is the current district attorney backing him, he said, but former district attorneys are have also given their support.

McDonnell is not new to Los Angeles law enforcement circles.  He once worked as second in command to former LAPD Chief William Bratton before taking the chief position at the Long Beach Police Department.

Those who are supporting McDonnell say they're doing so based on his reputation, track record, and his overall distance from all the recent scandals.   Political analysts think he'll fast become a frontrunner in the race.

The new candidate had previously said he wouldn't run, especially if Baca would seek an additional term.  Now, according to his recent press announcement, a broad-base of supporters have managed to change his mind.

McDonnell was one of several on a recent county commission that lambasted the current sheriff's leadership in the county jail abuse scandals.   He and others alleged the current sheriff was an inefficient manager who would have been fired were he working in the private sector.

Those close to the candidate say he was a fantastic leader during his time with the Los Angeles Police Department.  He's lived in the county for about 30 years, they say, and he's aware of the issues, challenges and hurdles the LASD faces moving forward.

LA County Board of Supervisors Chair Don Knabe reportedly said he has been among those who've been encouraging McDonnell to run.    Knabe describes him as being honest, trustworthy and well-liked by all.

Other candidates include Assistant Sheriff Todd Rogers and retired Sheriff's Department Commander Bob Olmstead.  Assistant Sheriff Jim Hellmold said he's also thinking about tossing his hat into the ring.