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Members of the Los Angeles Police Department said they're starting to think outside the box when it comes to making the northwestern San Fernando Valley a bit safer.

To do that, they said, they're putting together a volunteer civilian bike patrol.

Participants will need to provide their own bikes but they will be given matching uniforms.  Although they won't be able to do things like make arrests or write tickets, they will be extra eyes and ears on the ground.

The LAPD said each volunteer will undergo about a week of training and officers will help teach them what to look for and how to respond to different types of situations.

Once the training is complete, the volunteers will be assigned to help in higher crime areas of the Valley.  They may also be asked to help patrol shopping center parking lots during the holiday season.

The Los Angeles Police Department has a long history of utilizing citizen patrols, mostly to help with reducing vehicular burglaries, graffiti and other types of property crimes.

Officers said their main goal is to have the community feel as if they're helping prevent and suppress crime.  It's also about creating an increased visual presence within local neighborhoods.