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Members of the Los Angeles Police Department have confirmed they're rolling out a new gun policy when it comes to domestic violence offenders.  Namely, the City Attorney's office will be notified every time a person who is a suspect in this type of case has a registered firearm.

But it doesn't stop there.

The City Attorney said he will start to prosecute domestic suspects, or anyone who has an active restraining order, when they try to buy a gun.

Victim advocates say this type of action is long overdue- especially when you consider that nine women die in this country every week due to domestic situations that get out of hand.   Heated emotions, plus a gun, plus a domestic dispute are a bad, bad combination.

This, they said, is why the LAPD and prosecutors will start to take aggressive action.  It's not about adding new laws to the books, they said, but it's about enforcing the ones that are already there.    By working together, these agencies can make sure that firearms are kept out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them.

Battered women are reportedly five times more likely to be killed by a domestic abuser owns a gun, they said.  Taking guns out of the hands of domestic abusers can help save live.