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It's that time of year again.

This month, it's believed more than 27,000 senior high school students from throughout the city will celebrate their 12th grade graduation.

And for many, when this type of milestone achievement is reached, there's a certain amount of celebrating that goes along with it.  This is why the LAPD has teamed up with the Department of Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) for their 16th annual Safe and Sober Graduation Operation.

Using alcohol to enhance a celebration is ill advised, they said, with the most obvious problem being the fact that graduating seniors fall short of the legal drinking age.

Not only is it illegal for a minor to buy and drink alcohol, it can often be dangerous.  The LAPD said they are working with the ABC to thwart these types of activities and will be conducting decoy operations that will coincide with a number of HS graduation events.

First, they'll be targeting liquor stores to see if they're selling booze to underage persons.    From there, they'll target people who may be helping buy alcohol for minors.  These types of "shoulder tap" operations will be taking place all over the city, they said, and those who are caught breaking the law should expect to be caught.

Last year the LAPD solicited more than 650 individuals and the operation resulted in more than 40 violations.   And of the more than 180 liquor stores that were inspected, 14 clerks were cited for selling alcohol to a minor.