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A spokesperson within the Los Angeles Police Department has confirmed the LAPD will begin testing 60 body cameras, starting today.

The program is designed to help increase accountability among officers and to help reduce the number of complaints by community members.   The department's public information officer said that the LAPD will be testing two different types of devices that are being loaned to them.

Sources say that cameras from Taser International and Coban International are both being considered.  The LAPD will make its final determination after a 90 day test period and at that time, will decide which company they want to go with. From there, they will draft policies in terms of how they will be used.

Department officials have also said they are working closely with the ACLU, union representatives, city councilmembers and the police commission in order to draft the usage policies.  This is being done in order to craft best practices determinations and to make sure the technology is being used in ways that coincide with the LAPD's technology plans.

The cameras, according to plan proponents, will reportedly be paid for through private donations and will not be funded by taxpayers.  At current, nearly $900,000 of the needed $1 million has been granted to the department from individual donors and  major corporations.

The LAPD said they also hope to outfit its nearly 1,200 patrol cars with video recording devices as well.  Approximately 25% of the vehicles have been outfitted with cameras to date.  It is unclear when funding for the remaining 900 video recorders will become available.