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In a day and age where mass shooting incidents are becoming more and more common, the LAPD wants its officers to be prepared.

Officers are often the first ones to the scene, they said, and if an adult or a minor child is in need of medical attention, there's a chance paramedics won't be able to treat them until the area is secured.

This is why officers are being trained to use combat-style trauma kits.

These kits will not only contain your every day first aid items; they will also include things such as tourniquets and compression bandages, which are used to control bleeding from an artery.

These types of kits could have come in handy had Boston police officers had them during last year's marathon bombing, or at LAX when a shooter entered the airport and opened fire at TSA officers.

It reportedly took one security officer more than a half hour to receive medical aid for his gunshot wound because paramedics weren't allowed inside the terminal until the shooter had been captured.   The victim's family members said he didn't make it.

LAPD officers are currently being trained to use the kits, and they will not receive them until they receive the proper training.  More than 8,000 of the trauma kits will be delivered, according to a source within the department, and they were paid for through the generous donation by the Police Foundation.