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Members of the Los Angeles Police Department say they are committed to training to combat crime, even if it means creating a zombie apocalypse.

The LAPD Northeast Division has recently produced a training video in which a mob of electronics-hungry zombies terrorize the streets as they smash-and-grab items from cars.

These walking dead aren't after brains, according to department sources, but are instead hankering to steal iPhones, iPads and any other high-ticket item they can get their decaying hands on.

When LAPD officers arrive on the scene they're stoked to be able to take out the undead.  Instead of grabbing for their guns, one reaches into the back seat of the police cruiser in order to pull out a chainsaw.

The movie short ends with the camera panning to a severed arm lying in the street.   From there, the PSA turns to a more serious note.

More than 20,000 vehicles have been burglarized within the city's limits this year, they say, and residents need to remember to hide their valuables out of sight.  If you can stash something under a seat, fantastic.

If you can tuck it into the trunk of your car, even better.  The same goes for charging cords, which are a prime indicator that an expensive item could be hiding within a vehicle's interior.

LAPD officials have said the zombie apocalypse video has gone viral on social media.  To date, it's received more than 2,500 hits.   It's amazing what can be done when you tap into pop culture, they said.

The Northeast Division said the video was made possible in part by a series of donations and through the help of local Hollywood talent.

Some officers say they're still not quite sure what to make of the PSA, but they're reportedly thrilled people are checking it out.