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It's safe to say the LAPD's new Lamborghini Gallardo is the most expensive vehicle in the department's fleet.

Although the vehicle is not off-the-lot new; it was donated by a generous citizen, a department spokesperson said they're thrilled to have it in their garage.

It's already been painted and logo graphics with the words protect-and-serve have already been affixed to the doors.

But for those hoping to see the LAPD's sports car patrolling the streets- you're out of luck.

Lamborghini cop car to debut at the LA County Air Show

A source within the department said their sleek new ride will be more of a PR tool- it will make appearances at the LA County Sport Show next month and from there, it will assist the LAPD with charity work.

There's also talk about using it to help with the recruiting process.

This, however, isn't the first time a high-priced luxury vehicle has found its way onto a police fleet.  There are departments from all over the globe that are lucky enough to have super cool cop cars.  The Dubai Police Department, for example, reportedly has an an Aston Martin One-77, a Ferrari FF, a Lamborghini Aventador and even a Bugatti Veyron.

So although it's unlikely you'll see the LAPD's new toy chasing down bad guys in a high-speed pursuit, you can keep a look out for it at car shows, charity events and helping with charitable community outreach.