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In 2013, the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department partnered with Viking Charities to help families in need.

On Dec. 22,  Sheriff Lee Baca and other members of the LASD traveled to the Santa Monica Airport to pass out food baskets.  The goal was simple-  to provide holiday meal items to those who would otherwise have gone without.

The baskets reportedly included turkey and other traditional holiday items and Viking Charities said more than 1,500 recipient families were honored.   The foundation has partnered with the sheriff's department for more than 30 years, they said, and both feel it's a great way to do positive outreach within the community.

The recipient families are chosen throughout the year by the charity and certain LASD stations.  The most important thing, they said, is to identify the families who are enduring hardships throughout the holiday season in hopes of making their days a little bit brighter.

Law enforcement agencies frequently participate in these types of holiday giving activities and will often help organize food and toy drives for those in need.   Police and sheriff's departments say they want to make sure the community has the chance to meet, interact and ask questions to the men and women who help keep their neighborhoods safe.

Building community partnerships, they said, not only helps strengthen ties between the department and the community, it also improves neighborhood safety.