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Duane Chapman, AKA Dog the Bounty Hunter, is standing up for the Wisconsin bail bonds industry.

Until recently, Wisconsin was one of four states that had outlawed for-profit bail bonds.  Recent legislation seems to have overturned that ruling. Lawmakers may have decided to give reintroduction of the industry a trial run.


Bail bonding had been outlawed in the cheese state about 35 years ago.  It was at this time that judges in Milwaukee County were reportedly accepting gifts, trips and meals from an area bondsman. Some legislators still feel the industry is corrupt through and through. Others have said they don't need Wisconsin-versions of Dog roaming the streets.

The matter still needs to be approved by the governor.  It is unclear whether he will give the measure a yay or nay.  He did, however, shoot down a similar provision that crossed his desk two years ago.

Dog and his wife, Beth Chapman, say the industry has gotten a bad rap.  This is due to many people having misinformation.  An expert bondsman is someone who, for a fee, posts a piece of paper at the jail.  This piece of paper promises one, that the defendant will go to court and two, if they flee the bondsman could be on the hook for their full bail amount.

A bondsman, they said, has a vested interest in making sure the defendant handles their case.

Bail bonding creates personal liability.  The national percentage of people who skip bail is less than 2%. Pretrial services agencies have a much higher failure rate.

Beth apparently wrote a scathing editorial that lambasts those who are slandering her husband and the bail bonds industry.
It is unclear when this issue will be resolved.  The governor's vote is still pending.