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Dialing 911 for an emergency is one thing- calling it over and over again without proper cause gets you jail time.  That's exactly what happen when a Los Angeles woman chose to abuse the system.

Linette Young has reportedly been sentenced to six months in jail after calling 911 hundreds of times, as court records show she was accused of calling the emergency line more than 400 times in a 36-month span.  A source close to the case said that once she finishes her sentence, she'll still need to enter psychological counseling and will spend three years on probation.

Paramedics responded to each call, they said, in which the woman claimed she was having emergency health problems.  Prosecutors said that first responders never found a single problem.

The bottom line is simple- emergency phone numbers are not to be abused, and those who ignore that warning will face prosecution.

Court records show the woman was convicted on 13 counts of making false emergency reports and 12 counts of making harassing or annoying 911 calls.

She's also been told she is no longer allowed to show up on the doorstep of the Los Angeles Fire Department requesting medical assistance, and was warned she could face additional charges if she continues to call 911 without a proper emergency.

Young has not released a statements with regard to her conviction.  She will likely serve her time at the Century Station Jail in Lynwood.