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    Get your FREE BAIL QUOTE

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    For immediate bail information for someone in custody at the Robert Presley Detention Center, call a licensed agent toll-free at 888-224-5266 or 888 BAIL BOND.


    The Robert Presley Detention Center (RPCD) is located in downtown Riverside. RPDC and the Hospital Security Unit at Riverside County Regional Medical Center are under the command of a Sheriff's Captain and are administered under the direction of the Corrections Division Chief.

    The facility can house both men and women who are placed in separate facilities. It also offers medical services to all inmates in custody.

    The jailers booking process includes fingerprinting, removing and tagging personal property and assigning jail cells according to the prisoner classification system. Once they are booked into the jail system, they will be allowed to make a phone call.

    If someone is in jail at RPDC, we always recommend starting the bail process for them as quickly as possible, in order to facilitate a much faster release.

    If the defendant is not bailed out of jail, they will remain in custody until their first arraignment. Our company can post bail at this facility, 24 hours a day. Call us for further information, we're always happy to assist you.


    The very thought of someone you care for landing in jail can be stressful and scary.

    If you're wondering what to do if a friend, relative or loved one has been arrested in Riverside County and taken to the Robert Presley Detention Center, call us right away.

    We'll start by helping to gather pertinent information about the defendant, then start working with you to get the bond posted as quickly as possible.

    Once the bond has been approved, all is takes is simple paperwork which we can have in your hands quickly by fax or email.  We can also meet with you in person at your home, office or directly at the jail. Let us know what works best.

    888 Bail Bond has been working with clients in the Riverside County for nearly 40 years. We have become a trusted resource for bail bonds in the County as well as across the state of California. See why is makes such a difference to work with the right bail company.

    We're proud members of the Better Business Bureau with an A+ member rating and we'll always work with you and your family with the utmost discretion.


    In general, bail bonds require payment of 10% in advance of the detainee's release from jail. This amount is mandated by California law. Paying for the bail bond is made easy with Visa, Master Card, American Express and Discover. You may also pay for the bond in cash.

    We understand in times like these the cost of a bail bond may represent a financial hardship. Should you require financing, we offer flexible financing options without any additional interest, charges, fees or taxes. When you qualify, we can work out payments.

    Our caring bondsmen will advise you if you qualify within minutes.

    A professional bail bondsman is standing by if you have questions about bail bonds at the Robert Presley Detention Center. Call us 24/7 toll-free at 888-224-5266 or 888 BAIL BOND for answers.


    You may only visit inmates at the Robert Presley Detention Center by appointment only. Inmates can have (2) visits on a given visiting day. However, these visits are limited to one in the morning and one in the evening.

    A maximum of two adults and two children are allowed per visit. Visitor check in begins 20 minutes before the visit start time and ends 10 minutes before the visit start time.

    Public parking is available on streets surrounding the jail and are metered. There are also two separate public parking structures located at the corner of Lemon and 12th streets.

    To schedule a visitation appointment, you must call the day before the requested visiting day. Visiting appointments are scheduled daily from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm by calling (951) 341-8888.

    Robert Presley Detention Center
    4000 Orange Street
    Riverside, CA 92501
    (951) 955-4500