24 Hour Bail Service
If you are searching for this webpage, chances are that you need bail bond services in the Glendora area.
Our bail bonds company can help you in Glendora, San Gabriel Valley, as well as most metropolitan areas of California. We have agents throughout Southern California and a vast network of associates throughout the US.
Many people who call us are concerned, frustrated or confused about the bail bond process. One of our experienced, knowledgeable bail agents can guide through you step-by-step so that you understand your options. Call us at 818-348-8551 or 888-224-5266.
With today’s technology, we can complete most bail bond transactions in minutes. From the time you first call us, usually we can have the person released from jail in 1-2 hours.
Often, we conduct the bail bond by fax, e-mail and now e-sign.
In some situations, we may need to meet with you. A licensed agent to come to your location, meet you at the Glendora Jail or you can come to us.
A bail bond in California involves a contract which states that the defendant will appear in court and that the cosigner or cosigners agree to take responsibility to ensure that happens. The bail bond company guarantees to the court that the defendant will appear in court all times that are required or we will insure pay the full amount of the bail. The bail company charges 10% of the full bail amount for this service. In most cases, a relative or a close friend of the defendant will co-sign and pay the fee in advance of release from jail. As part of the bail bond contract, the co-signer is agreeing to pay the full amount of bail if the defendant fails to appear.
Most bail companies require collateral for a bail bond. Often, our company does not require collateral to post the bail. A person can be bailed out of jail with a signature of a friend or a relative. However, we generally need co-signers that are employed and have ties to the community, such as a home owner and / or long-time resident.
Most bail agencies require full payment before executing a bond. We understand that the cost of a bail bond is not a planned expense. We have options for bail bond payment and bail financing.
150 S. Glendora Avenue
Glendora, California 91741-3380
Jail Information: (626) 914-8250
Bail Bond Information: (888) 224-5266
Click for directions to the Glendora Police Department and Jail.
West Covina Courthouse
1427 West Covina Parkway
West Covina, California 91790
Criminal (626) 813-3239
District Attorney (626) 813-3301
Jury Division (626) 813-3450
Public Defender (626) 813-3460
Sheriff's Department (213) 974-6600
If you are still uncertain how to handle your bail bond situation, please call us. We can help. 888 224 5266.