Each jail has it’s own unique system and procedural process and it is best to work with an individual who is familiar with that system to expedite your release.
888 Bail Bond has been in business for nearly 50 years and serves Kings County. Our licensed and professional bondsmen are knowledgeable and compassionate and will do what it takes to get the inmate out of jail as quickly as possible.
We have a bondsman available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you in your time of need.
For a free informational assessment for Kings County bail bonds, please contact 888 Bail Bond at 888-BAIL BOND.
The Kings County Sheriff's Department prides itself on delivering high quality law correctional and enforcement services to its citizens. The Department is dedicated to providing the security needed to give the citizens of Kings County a tranquil environment to live in. The Department is a unified front that works together to safeguard and protect individual rights and is committed to excellence.
Kings County uniformed patrol deputies work twelve-hour daily shifts and are assigned to a beat area for at least two years. By doing this, deputies and residents alike get to know each other and become familiar with one another which promotes an element of trust.
Kings County Sheriff’s Department is dedicated to working with and serving its residents. The Department has created a program called Are You OK (RUOK) for senior citizens and the disabled living alone who do not have anyone who can check on them daily. This free of charge service if available to all residents of Kings County including all of its unincorporated areas and cities. Currently there are approximately 55 participants in the program which is for both long and short-term use.
The RUOK program works through a computer-operated system that will dial the resident’s phone number at a pre specified time of day. All that the participant needs to do is pick up the phone when it rings so that the computer can register that the call has been answered. All unanswered calls will be repeated with two more calls. If all three calls go unanswered an alert will be issued to the Emergency Dispatch Team and your emergency contact person will be notified to check on you in your home.
Kings County Sheriff’s Department
1444 W. Lacey Blvd.
Hanford, CA 93230
General Information: 559-584-1431 ext. 2790
Jail & Inmate Info: 559-584-1431 ex.t 2812/4103
Bail Bonds: 888-BAIL BOND
Bail Bonds in Hanford
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