For questions on our bail bond forms or immediate bondsman service, please call us 24 hours a day at 1-888-224-5266.
For most California bail bonds, we have two simple documents to sign. We provide the forms here online for your convenience:
- Bail Bond Agreement- The Bail Bond Agreement is a contract between the bail indemnitor and the bail agency agreeing to jointly promise the court that the defendant will return for necessary court appearances. This contract outlines the fee for services and the agreements made by bail agent and the individual or individuals bailing the defendant out of jail. The Agreement also requests identifying and financial information for the indemnitor and the defendant. Bail agents are required by law to request this information. Much of the requested information is not required to complete the bail bond. Please ask the bail agent you are working with which information is needed from you.
- Notice to the Indemnitor - This notice is intended to clarify that as a signer of the Bail Bond Agreement Contract, you understand that you are responsible for the defendant's appearance in court.
Our bail bond company does most bail bonds with no collateral. When collateral is required is it most often secured with real property. Real property is generally California real estate, usually the home of a family member or even the home of the defendant.
When property is used as collateral for a bail bond, in addition to the basic paperwork of the Bail Bond Agreement and the Notice to the Indemnitor are the following documents:
- California Deed of Trust - The Deed of Trust is a lien on the property of the indemnitor by the Surety Company (an insurance company) that underwrites our bail bonds. The lien is held by a third party (rather than the bail agent) and it is notarized for your protection. Our bail agents are notaries.
- California Real Estate Disclosure Statement - The Real Estate Disclosure Statement is intended to clarify to the signer that a lien will be placed on their property.
The following forms are not used by our clients, but our used by bail agents to provide information to the courts. These forms provide the court with information about our bail bond company, the defendant, and the surety company that backs our bonds. We provide them here strictly for informational and resource purposes.
- California Bail Bond Court Form - This form is used by us for nearly every California bail bond we underwrite.
- Appeal Bond Court Form - Used for bail bonds on appeal.
- Federal Bond Court Form - Used for Federal Bail Bonds.
- Fugitive Bond Court Form - Used for Fugitive Bail Bonds.
- Indictment Bond Court Form - Used for Indictment Bail Bonds.
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